In a small corner of the most populous country in Africa, billions of dollars of crude oil flow under the feet of a desperate people. Immense wealth and abject poverty stand in stark contrast. The environment is decimated. The issues are complex, the answers elusive.
The documentary film Sweet Crude tells the story of Nigeria’s Niger Delta. The region is seething and the global stakes are high. But in this moment, there’s an opportunity to find solutions. What if the world paid attention before it was too late?
The wait is over! After two years, countless film festivals, college screenings, community events, and awards, we are thrilled to bring you the Sweet Crude DVD. Our mission for the film is to educate the public and encourage action for the people of the Niger Delta. While the situation on the ground has shifted, Sweet Crude is as pertinent as ever, especially as oil issues hit hard in many countries beyond Nigeria. With the DVD release, we hope that a new round of screenings will be inspired in living rooms all over the world. The film is subtitled in English, Spanish, and French to add to the audience reach. Please help spread the word by telling family and friends; posting on blogs, Facebook, and Twitter; announcing in newsletters; and anything else you can think of. Order your copy today!
Variety: “A movie about crime and shame, ‘Sweet Crude’ is also a classic example of urgent, righteous-indignation agitprop cinema that succeeds in being not just angry, but art… d.p. Sean Porter’s painterly shooting, Julie Wolf’s funk-ethereal music and helmer Sandy Cioffi’s frighteningly gentle narration, all…blend to seductive psychological effect, suggesting gossamer dreams about paradise lost, with an undertone of unrefined fury.” Read the complete Variety review.
Christiane Amanpour, CNN: “A look at the very human cost of Nigeria’s oil wealth.”
Laura Flanders, Grit TV: “The film is beautiful and stark. It clarifies the complex. And there’s poetry throughout. In other words, you want to check it out.”
Ralph Nader: “Add the petrohorrors in the Niger Delta to the ‘price of oil.’ There is nothing ‘sweet’ there, but the oil industry’s profits.”
Seattle Weekly: “A provocative portrait of human devastation ignored in the name of commerce and oil.”
Film Critic Robert Horton: “It’s typical of the film’s calm fury that the arrest of the filmmaker last year by Nigerian authorities is relegated to a brief epilogue; the real story is more significant than that.”
Steve Kretzmann, Executive Director, Oil Change International: “An incredible film that is moving, effective and is by far the most powerful educational and motivational tool that I’ve ever seen regarding the Delta.”